
Close-up of a microscopy machine

All donations are used to help improve the capabilities of the clinic, to expand our patient population, and to better serve our patients.  Any donation is appreciated.

To Donate Online

Please donate using the HoyasGive link.

For any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Strategic Planning Coordinator, Aliza Haider, at

Send a Check

Georgetown University Medical Center
Attn: Office of Gift Administration
2115 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Ste. 500
Washington, DC 20007 

Please make checks payable to “Georgetown University” and note “Hoya Clinic” in the memo line. 

Other Ways to Donate

If you are a physician in the Washington D.C. area that is willing to donate services, please email our Development Coordinator, Frances Bengtson, at

If you have any questions about giving, monetary or otherwise, please contact Aliza Haider, at